Navigation Element Locations
Top MenusGenerally this menu bar is placed under the head of the page which is normally a chart containing the logo of the site. These are generally simple links, expanding menus or menus. Each menu can be displayed on a text or May be a graph. In addition, a link is added with each element so that a visitor can easily obtain information by clicking on it.Left Side NavigationThis generally pointed out the party, text box or a column that is at the top of potion , Left the web page. As for the menu bar, each point can be represented by a hyperlink.Right Side NavigationThis This generally points in the game, text box or a column that is at the top of potion, right side of the webpage. This space is now used for navigation, it is generally the case advertisements are placed.Bottom MenusThis is usually used either as a menu bar or as footer.Important navigation ElementsInternal Page LinksThe important pages should be easily assessable and hence Should be placed on the first click itself. The maximum number of clicks should be three clicks of the house page.Login BoxesThey should stand out and be visible. Thus, it should be a header, as good catches attention. Or it could be the two top corners (ie in the top left or top right) Shopping CartsIf you ask users to store on your site, you should make sure a shopping cart is displayed on each page. This icon should preferably be placed on top, right side, under the header or just below it.Order ButtonsThey should be important for users eyes. It must be fast and easy to obtain on the order page. It should not be a task for users to access the order page, orelse they could find just as a hassle and give up.Breadcrumbsthe combination of graphic representation of where you are on the site and links, east and called Breadcrums. This icon is usually placed on the top left, under the header. Each word must serve as a link with the previous east pageExternal LinksThere is no rule, where they should be placed, but they are generally placed inside the text. These links refer to more information on the same theme, which is mentioned on other sites. It could also be recommended on products.AdvertisementsThey are generally either graphics or text, which has a hyperlink attached. The ads can be placed anywhere, but are generally put the header banner, or on the right side of the page, it is under the navigation elements on the left margin. It can be placed at the bottom of the page or linked to the test areas of the page. The research shows that the most effective ads are those placed on the area of the page, which is immediately shown that you are, without scrolling down (they are called above the fold). Above the fold ads are more eye and therefore more valuableDownloadable ItemsIncase your offer to download items such as articles, music videos, be sure to inform your users how large files. You also need to tell them if they need an application to use this file. If they need an application, then help them access on demand with the help of a link. For example, provide a link to the free Acrobat Reader If you offer pdf files. A navigation system practice can lead to an increase in the number of pages viewed by visitors. This leads to an increase in sales, members, clients, sign-ups or whatever the site can offer. Basically, it makes the site more user-friendly and therefore more preferred and successful
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