Friday, April 11, 2008

How to Create an Effective Print Ad – the Unconventional Wisdom of an Ad Maverick

Before writing this article, I perused the World Wide Web looking to see what? Experts? Had to say on the subject of the ad design. The general consensus is not to take any risks. Pshaw, I say! It is true that if you stick with proven formulas, there is no danger of watering your ad, but if you are brave, amazing things can happen. Of course, this is just my opinion based on my personal experience in the design of advertisements for clients and it is definitely a more risky proposition. So if you like to play in safety, you may want to look elsewhere, but if you are willing to take a risk with great potential rewards, read on my friend.Step One: Decide what you sellingAre you sell a product specific or company as a whole? Either way, you must determine what makes what you sell special and valuable to the potential buyer. Let me be the first to tell you, "it is not because you or your product is the best. Nor is it because you are more something only if it is quantifiable. People are inundated with? We have the best hamburgers, advice, candy, _insert your product or service here_?. It means nothing, and when I say nothing, I really mean it the gift? T even think about it. In what? The most? Va., never pretend to be? The most reputable, professional, knowledgeable, _insert here_ your adjective?, Because nobody will believe you. Now, if you qualify? Most of the cars sold in North Carolina? Where? The most widely read newspapers in Charlotte?, Who is a claim which can be quantified and thus can establish a true leadership. True leadership is a great selling point because people are comfortable with the purchase of your product or service, if everyone buys too. I call it the Lemming Effect. If you can? T claim a true leader, you need to sell the sizzle not the steak. By selling the sizzle, I mean sell the main advantages of your product or service. Tell the reader what? S in it for him if he buys your product. For example DON? Selling the T? Investment Strategies reliable.? NE sell this? Our clients average 20% return on investment higher. You can too.? You sell for the benefit of the investment of your company. Step two: Make a ConceptNow you know what you are selling, you are ready to formulate a concept. L '? Experts? Dire watching several competing companies and do something similar, but not identical. I say look at your competitors and therefore something completely different. I mean, think about it, if you are like everyone else, why would anyone pay attention? The goal is to carefully separate. We must do something just for fun to be different, your concept has to make sense to publication and the audience. Think about some of the most successful advertising campaigns, whether printed or broadcast. They are not obvious or banal. The launch of Infinity Autos never shown a car. ? Got Milk? Pictured mustaches celebrities with milk, and not the image of a glass of milk. More recently, Dove? S Campaign for Real Beauty features real women, not models, no product shots, still pictures of naked 50 years, women are products off the shelves in the shipment. Thinking outside the box, but be smart about appealing to your demographic.Step Three: Write the CopyThis everyone thinks that this is something they can do. They can? T. Copywriting is something best left to a professional, but no matter who wrote the texts, there are some irrefutable truths to be considered. First of all, people don? T read the contents. They fly over. Precious You have a few words about you. Remember not to talk about how great your company or product to focus on the benefit to potential buyers .. Most, especially to keep brief. Then stay on point! You have already decided what you are selling, only that advertise one thing. If you are promoting a product, to write about the benefits of this product and the gift? T try to cram the entire company in the history of the copy of the advertisement or lose its effectiveness. Finally, there is always a call to action. Tell your customers to buy your product, visit your Web site or call you? Now! Fourth step: Putting It All TogetherThe first thing you should consider is white space, the white space, the white space. Whitespace can be any color, really. He just needs to be clear of the area of distraction or copy graphics. An announcement congested transforms people. Plus you have blank space, in most cases we will read your ad. Make sure the title, images and copy in the tie and flow well together. And just so you know, your logo doesn? T must be the size of a house. It must be large enough to be obvious, but that? It.Step 5: Submit RepeatAssuming and you chose an appropriate publication, you have to run your ad several times. People expect their phones to ring to be released from nets after publication. It rarely works that way. The frequency is the most important factor for readers to contact you. If you run an ad 3 times or more and you haven? T received a call, there is probably a problem with the ad or the publication of your choice. If it does start work after several tracks, change the ad periodically to keep things fresh.In In short, do what you can hire a professional to do what you can? T and always think outside the box.
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