Thursday, June 26, 2008

Designing Professional Brochures and Flyers That Get Attention

A pamphlet or brochure is often the first contact people with your company, which is why it is important to get a good first impression. In this article we will take a look at each format and provide advice to help you improve your piece through design.FlyersA flyer is traditionally a single leaf, usually the printing on one side. These are presented at events, shown at various locations mailed or directly to the customer. Flyers are popular marketing tools because they are relatively inexpensive to produce en masse, but too often, bad decisions to reduce their impact.One of the biggest mistakes when designing leaflets is the excessive use of police. Just because you have hundreds of fonts available on your computer does not mean you have to see how many people you can put on the page. A good rule of thumb is to not use more than three families, but some designers prefer to limit two.Most flyers use some kind of title, if a nice selection, bold type that is easy to read and create impact. If you feel particularly creative, you can opt for a more decorative, specialty police, but make sure it is easy to read.Next, you should choose one of the main police for your body text. This is not a place to be creative, so the gap fancy fonts here and go with the standard something that is easy to read. As police Arial, Helvetica, Verdana and Times are so popular because of their readability. Use one of them and you can not go wrong.Many amateur flyer use a design centered on the layout. This means that everything is centered in the middle. It is annoying and - with a large number of copies - may be impossible to read. Consider using a base, two columns grid system at your disposal circular. Divide your copy in two columns using either in tatters hunting left to right, or quite justified text. Anyway, he will seek a better focus layout.Also, consider spicing your flyer using graphics and clip art that are relevant to your information. Do not go above, si. Your graphics are intended to improve the play not to divert attention from it. Be creative with your layout by wrapping around your text or your clips using capsules effect.Black added to file folders and white are very good, but in today's digital color printing, color is a better investment that the black and white. People respond to color, if you use when can.BrochuresThere is a wealth of design techniques that can be used to make a brochure and more powerful attractive.Your choice of paper - especially the thickness - speaks volumes on your business. Going with a heavy toll adds elegance to the whole piece and can produce better print quality.Another excellent way to get a professional looking is to apply special effects or techniques to your room. These techniques are more expensive, but to make a real professional look.One important technique to consider is folding. Traditionally, a brochure is a single page model that can be printed on one side or both. However, you can get a multi-page layout creatively through the folds of the paper. A single sheet can be folded once to get a four-page design, or twice for a single six-page fold layout.Perforation is an excellent tool for merchants who have a special offer, or coupon, that the reader could easily tear. This can be configured as a postcard to mail to your company, or provide information that could be used for your shipment efforts.Another technical design to reflect east borehole. The drilling a hole in your brochure allows the reader to easily hang the brochure. This could be particularly useful if you print a calendar of events that the reader would like to keep handy.Professionally designed brochures and pamphlets should not be done by the unlimited budgets. All it takes is a big imagination and a little know-how to come with a catchy design that works.


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