Friday, June 6, 2008

Print Ready Vector Plastic Card Design Guide

For graphic designers, it is important that you deliver finalartwork in a state ready to print your client. There are several important points for your attention. I am Eason, worked in the art department of a card printing plant for a couple of years. So I know a little about the illustrations ready to print. So, I come here to shear my experience with you guys, especially for freshmen in this area. I am not a native English speaker, so it must be a lot of mistakes in my writing. Please understand. Thank you. Ok, I now.1 begin. Software, file format: Most plastic card manufacturing CorelDRAW use and illustrator. They accpet as various file formats:. Cdr,. Ai,. EPS. tif ... etc. Personally, I recomment cdr or interim version. Many people export files in pdf format, but for some special effects in the artwork, it affected after May plasticcardonline printer import works of art in their software. So it is best that you can provide a very "original" artwork.2. Vector or bitmap: It is always something very tuff plasticcardonline for printers. Many customers supply of low-resolution photos (300dpi below), generally, it seems unclear to follow, these files is not good for plasticcard full-color printing. In my experience, if the picture is small, the resolution is not a big problem, sometimes 72dpi. As a customer like getting photo of the Internet, these photos are always low-resolution 72dpi combat. If reducing the size to 25% in the resolution would be sufficient. When you create a work of art, it is ok to keep pictures as bitmap, but make sure the rest of the text and blocks of color / form / linearts are vector. For the best result for printing, vector artwork can be printed forms very sharp and clear. And another thing you need to pay attention if the customer is to supply as a low-resolution jpg logo. You have to recreate it is vectorized. No body want their logo unreadable.3. CMYK, RGB, colors: For the CMYK printing is the most popular. RGB is for the web, never use. And some customers need accurate color, you must use color Pantone for match.4. Text and the police: as I mentioned above. The text must be a vehicle to ensure that the best result for printing. You must be careful when you finalartwork exporters, all fonts must be converted into lines. Or you must provide are used in works of art. Otherwise, when the plasticcardonline open your printer works of art, the police will change. It's very dangerous. Not only the police, that it changes, the layout May also be affected. It is therefore quite important and always ignored by some designers. And for some works of art, even now it is confirmed, you or your client May amend the text of contact in the near furture. For this review, do not text, save the cast works of art. This can save a lot of time. Other wise you May we never know what is.5. Bleed! Bleed! Bleed! This is the most common mistake for new designers, art plastic card must be at least equal to 3 mm. The sampling zone must be consolidated with the main works of art, this area me off. Where do cut, they are not always clear cut. So make sure the text, logo never too close to the egde of the card. The following size specifications May assistance. And if you need vector CorelDRAW template file, you can download here.6. Corpmark, cutline: Make sure finalartwork corp mark showed on works of art, it allows your plasticcard manufactor locate the cutlines.7. Signature stirp, tape, burning, serial number: When you make the design, if it burning as memership cards. Pay attention to the rear, so that burning arrea will not affect the signature on the back if it has one. Are the same texts. Embossing text font name is the ROC. Thermal serial number is printed black only. So need to pay attetion the background color. If it is too dark, add a white square. Emobssing may be gold, silver, balck tipped.8. Silver foil, UV: If you want to add sheets of silver / UV the plasticcard. Make a separate layer with corp mark. Solid black, so the printer can plasticcardonline locate correctly.That Everything I have recently, I will continue to update this guide hope it will be useful with the new guys. Any body who want to give me any suggestions or need help, pls email me: works of art plasticcardonline dot com.


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