Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Web 2.0 Favicon - Photoshop Tutorial

Web 2.0 Favicon - Photoshop Tutorial $(function() { $('#tabs1, #tabs1a, #tabs2').tabify() } ) _uacct = "UA-318473-1"; urchinTracker();
Free Online Articles Directory Why Submit Articles? Top Authors Top Articles FAQ Publish Article 03.12.2008 | Login | Register | Hello Guest Home Page Advertising Graphic Design Web 2.0 Favicon - Photoshop Tutorial Web 2.0 Favicon - Photoshop Tutorial Posted: 24-11-2008 | Comments: 0 | Views: 10 Related Articles Related Q&A Essential Web2.0 Designing TrendsWebsite Design for NewbiesIs your Web Site an Interactive Experience?Web Design Choice Of Fixed Width vs Liquid LayoutsThe Five Basic Elements Of Web DesignSo What Does Web 2.0 Design Mean?The Truth About Web 2.0Increase Traffic by Search Engine Optimization Tools Ask the community a question about this article:
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Syndicate this Article Copy to clipboard Web 2.0 Favicon - Photoshop TutorialAuthor: StormITSolutions

Web 2.0 Favicon Tutorial

What you will need:

Photoshop CS, CS2 or CS3
Web Acess

Lets start off with creating a new document - 400 x 400 pixels.

Set your width as 400 pixels and your height as 400 Pixels.

Set resolution at 72 pixels/inch and color mode as RGB Color (8 Bit)

Now if you want the final favicon to be transparent in areas I suggest you set background contents to be transparent. You can add or remove your background at any time.

Now select the Paint Bucket Tool and set the color to #333333.

Now Create a new layer Ctrl+Shift+N

Fill this layer.

Now Use the Ellipse tool to create a large circle, use any styling you want at this point, I went with a red fade.

Now add the Text you want to see, In this case I used a large letter T.
Remember the favicon is very small so its hard to make out words.
(unless you do a word scroller but that is for another tutorial)

Now save your file as a .jpg (non transparent) or .gif (transparent)

Open your internet browser and head to  Favicon Creator.

Now select import image from the left menu.

Browse to the file you created on your PC, select Keep Dimension

Click Upload and you will see your favicon, you can adjust it using the inbuilt editor.

If you are happy simply download it, and upload it to your web host and replace the favicon.ico

You now have a fancy new favicon.

Now you are free to go crazy, try different backgrounds, or no backgrounds, change the letter create a copy of your logo. This converter will work it all out for you and you can then download the finished product.

If when you are finished the final output isnt perfect you can use the editor supplied at to make more changes.

If you dont have photoshop you can create the exact effects with a little practice on the actual editior.

You can check out my own one on this page.

Look at your internet browser and you will see our web 2.0 S.


Storm IT Solutions

Web Design Glasgow

About the Author:

Storm IT Solutions, providing web services that reflect clients expectations of value, creativity and reliability, Web Design Glasgow Green, Scotland, UK Designer Web Sites.

Article Source:

Web 2.0 Favicon Tutorial

What you will need:

Photoshop CS, CS2 or CS3
Web Acess

Lets start off with creating a new document - 400 x 400 pixels.

Set your width as 400 pixels and your height as 400 Pixels.

Set resolution at 72 pixels/inch and color mode as RGB Color (8 Bit)

Now if you want the final favicon to be transparent in areas I suggest you set background contents to be transparent. You can add or remove your background at any time.

Now select the Paint Bucket Tool and set the color to #333333.

Now Create a new layer Ctrl+Shift+N

Fill this layer.

Now Use the Ellipse tool to create a large circle, use any styling you want at this point, I went with a red fade.

Now add the Text you want to see, In this case I used a large letter T.
Remember the favicon is very small so its hard to make out words.
(unless you do a word scroller but that is for another tutorial)

Now save your file as a .jpg (non transparent) or .gif (transparent)

Open your internet browser and head to  Favicon Creator.

Now select import image from the left menu.

Browse to the file you created on your PC, select Keep Dimension

Click Upload and you will see your favicon, you can adjust it using the inbuilt editor.

If you are happy simply download it, and upload it to your web host and replace the favicon.ico

You now have a fancy new favicon.

Now you are free to go crazy, try different backgrounds, or no backgrounds, change the letter create a copy of your logo. This converter will work it all out for you and you can then download the finished product.

If when you are finished the final output isnt perfect you can use the editor supplied at to make more changes.

If you dont have photoshop you can create the exact effects with a little practice on the actual editior.

You can check out my own one on this page.

Look at your internet browser and you will see our web 2.0 S.


Storm IT Solutions

Web Design Glasgow

Storm IT Solutions, providing web services that reflect clients expectations of value, creativity and reliability, Web Design Glasgow Green, Scotland, UK Designer Web Sites.

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Article Source: Article Tags: Web Design, Storm, Favicon, Web 2.0, Storm It Solutions, Web Design Glasgow, Web 2.0 Favicon Add new Comment Your Name * Your Email: * Comment Body *
Enter Validation Code: * document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); Latest Graphic Design Articles More from StormITSolutions Joseph Minasie - Whey Everybody Needs a Website?By: Joseph Minasie | 30/11/2008
Why companies need a website and how this website will attract the most customers through innovative marketing, branding, and web solutions, provided by Tech5 Media. Tech5 Media continues to provide web and graphic solutions to the business world.

Create a Brochure That Attracts Attention to Your ProductBy: Dan ODonnell | 28/11/2008
It's simple, if you want buyers to notice your brochure, start by making it look great. We all know that content is king, but people aren't attracted to text initially, they're pulled in with a visually dynamic image first. Good looking images tap into peoples inner guides - the ones that are saying "if it looks good, it is good."

Make Your Website Valuable for Your Business With Good Web DesignBy: spinxwebdesign | 28/11/2008
A website can serve as an asset for any business organization provided the web design building services are done efficiently and accordingly.

Elements of a NewsletterBy: Graphic Design Guru | 25/11/2008
Tips on designing newsletters.

Photoshop Cs4By: Edvard | 24/11/2008
Mahjong Directory

Rules of Color in Print DesignBy: Kaye Z. Marks | 21/11/2008
Color can make or break an advertisement, whether in a newspaper ad, postcard, or other form of printed marketing tools. However, too much color tends to overwhelm your message, while too little will not be able to capture enough attention.

Booth Designing, Booth Designers, Booth Construction Company in IndiaBy: Oindia | 21/11/2008
XS Productions offering quality booth designing and construction. Read to know more about booth designing and construction company in India.

Providing Contact Information is Also Extremely Important!By: Ajits Singh | 21/11/2008
There are a few design elements that must be present if you want your website to encourage visitors to stick around and eventually make a purchase. These elements include using appropriate colors and designs, great graphics and pictures, a clean design, easy to read fonts, a contact form and first-rate, informative text.

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Elements of a Newsletter

Elements of a Newsletter $(function() { $('#tabs1, #tabs1a, #tabs2').tabify() } ) _uacct = "UA-318473-1"; urchinTracker();
Free Online Articles Directory Why Submit Articles? Top Authors Top Articles FAQ Publish Article 03.12.2008 | Login | Register | Hello Guest Home Page Advertising Graphic Design Elements of a Newsletter Elements of a Newsletter Posted: 25-11-2008 | Comments: 0 | Views: 12 Related Articles Related Q&A How to Get Creative Newsletter Design IdeasA preview of February's UK Horse RacingA preview of May's UK horse racingMalcolm Heyhoe's Tips for August's Uk Horse RacingHow to Get Rid of Back Acne, Just Follow These Simple TipsFebruary's UK Horse RacingThe 8 Magic Steps That Make Planning Your Website a BreezeFood - What to Eat - Part 1 - Breakfast Ask the community a question about this article:
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Syndicate this Article Copy to clipboard Elements of a NewsletterAuthor: Graphic Design Guru
Elements of a Newsletter

The section on the front of a newsletter that identifies the publication is called the masthead.  It contains the name of the newsletter and possibly pictures or a logo.  It may also contain a subtitle, motto or publication information such as the volume, issue number or date.

The table of contents usually appears on the front page and briefly lists articles or special sections within the newsletter and the page number for those items.

The body is the articles that make up the newsletter content and is the bulk of the text excluding the headlines and decorative text elements.

After the masthead, the headline identifies each article in a newsletter and is the most prominent text element.  Write headlines in upper- and lower-case type.  Capitalise the first letter of every word in a headline except for ?a?, ?an?, ?the? and short prepositions such as ?of?, ?to? and ?for?.  Always align headlines to the left.

Subheadings within the body of articles, divide the articles into smaller sections.

Page numbers appear at the top, bottom, or sides of pages and usually page one is not numbered.

A pull-quote is a small selection of text pulled out of the text and quoted in a larger typeface.  It is used to attract attention, especially in long articles.

A photo caption can be up to five lines long and needs to convey the importance of the photo.

A few more tips when creating a newsletter:

1)                 Set the text in serif type as it is easier to read.

2)                 Indent the first line of each paragraph and only use single spaces within and between paragraphs.

3)                 Don?t justify text to the right as doing so makes the copy square and hard to read.

4)                 Avoid widows and orphans.  In other words, a line containing only a part of a word or a single word on a line.

5)                 Try not to hyphenate lines in a row as this makes the text hard to follow.

6)                 Use a single grid throughout your newsletter, unless there is a special feature page.  Grids may contain anything from 2 to 5 columns on a page. 

7)                 Always have a creative thread running through your newsletter.  This creates consistency and could be something as small as a block of colour or decorative pattern that is repeated on every page.

A good newsletter is clean, clear and colourful.  Stick to those three c?s and you should have a winner.  And lastly, don?t be afraid to break the rules ? creatively!

About the Author:

Graphic Design Guru is a blog for amateur as well as professional graphic designers, who wish to improve their knowledge and fuel their passion for design.

Article Source:

Elements of a Newsletter

The section on the front of a newsletter that identifies the publication is called the masthead.  It contains the name of the newsletter and possibly pictures or a logo.  It may also contain a subtitle, motto or publication information such as the volume, issue number or date.

The table of contents usually appears on the front page and briefly lists articles or special sections within the newsletter and the page number for those items.

The body is the articles that make up the newsletter content and is the bulk of the text excluding the headlines and decorative text elements.

After the masthead, the headline identifies each article in a newsletter and is the most prominent text element.  Write headlines in upper- and lower-case type.  Capitalise the first letter of every word in a headline except for ?a?, ?an?, ?the? and short prepositions such as ?of?, ?to? and ?for?.  Always align headlines to the left.

Subheadings within the body of articles, divide the articles into smaller sections.

Page numbers appear at the top, bottom, or sides of pages and usually page one is not numbered.

A pull-quote is a small selection of text pulled out of the text and quoted in a larger typeface.  It is used to attract attention, especially in long articles.

A photo caption can be up to five lines long and needs to convey the importance of the photo.

A few more tips when creating a newsletter:

1)                 Set the text in serif type as it is easier to read.

2)                 Indent the first line of each paragraph and only use single spaces within and between paragraphs.

3)                 Don?t justify text to the right as doing so makes the copy square and hard to read.

4)                 Avoid widows and orphans.  In other words, a line containing only a part of a word or a single word on a line.

5)                 Try not to hyphenate lines in a row as this makes the text hard to follow.

6)                 Use a single grid throughout your newsletter, unless there is a special feature page.  Grids may contain anything from 2 to 5 columns on a page. 

7)                 Always have a creative thread running through your newsletter.  This creates consistency and could be something as small as a block of colour or decorative pattern that is repeated on every page.

A good newsletter is clean, clear and colourful.  Stick to those three c?s and you should have a winner.  And lastly, don?t be afraid to break the rules ? creatively!

Graphic Design Guru is a blog for amateur as well as professional graphic designers, who wish to improve their knowledge and fuel their passion for design.

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Article Source: Article Tags: Tips, Information, Advice, Design, Newsletter, Tutorials Add new Comment Your Name * Your Email: * Comment Body *
Enter Validation Code: * document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); Latest Graphic Design Articles More from Graphic Design Guru Joseph Minasie - Whey Everybody Needs a Website?By: Joseph Minasie | 30/11/2008
Why companies need a website and how this website will attract the most customers through innovative marketing, branding, and web solutions, provided by Tech5 Media. Tech5 Media continues to provide web and graphic solutions to the business world.

Create a Brochure That Attracts Attention to Your ProductBy: Dan ODonnell | 28/11/2008
It's simple, if you want buyers to notice your brochure, start by making it look great. We all know that content is king, but people aren't attracted to text initially, they're pulled in with a visually dynamic image first. Good looking images tap into peoples inner guides - the ones that are saying "if it looks good, it is good."

Make Your Website Valuable for Your Business With Good Web DesignBy: spinxwebdesign | 28/11/2008
A website can serve as an asset for any business organization provided the web design building services are done efficiently and accordingly.

Web 2.0 Favicon - Photoshop TutorialBy: StormITSolutions | 24/11/2008
How to create a web 2.0 Favicon using Photoshop

Photoshop Cs4By: Edvard | 24/11/2008
Mahjong Directory

Rules of Color in Print DesignBy: Kaye Z. Marks | 21/11/2008
Color can make or break an advertisement, whether in a newspaper ad, postcard, or other form of printed marketing tools. However, too much color tends to overwhelm your message, while too little will not be able to capture enough attention.

Booth Designing, Booth Designers, Booth Construction Company in IndiaBy: Oindia | 21/11/2008
XS Productions offering quality booth designing and construction. Read to know more about booth designing and construction company in India.

Providing Contact Information is Also Extremely Important!By: Ajits Singh | 21/11/2008
There are a few design elements that must be present if you want your website to encourage visitors to stick around and eventually make a purchase. These elements include using appropriate colors and designs, great graphics and pictures, a clean design, easy to read fonts, a contact form and first-rate, informative text.

Graphic Design Guru has 1 article online.
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Make Your Website Valuable for Your Business With Good Web Design

Make Your Website Valuable for Your Business With Good Web Design $(function() { $('#tabs1, #tabs1a, #tabs2').tabify() } ) _uacct = "UA-318473-1"; urchinTracker();
Free Online Articles Directory Why Submit Articles? Top Authors Top Articles FAQ Publish Article 02.12.2008 | Login | Register | Hello Guest Email Password Remember Me
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Home Page Advertising Graphic Design Make Your Website Valuable for Your Business With Good Web Design Make Your Website Valuable for Your Business With Good Web Design Posted: 28-11-2008 | Comments: 0 | Views: 3 Related Articles Related Q&A Advantages of High Quality Web Design ServicesMultimedia Marketing - the Latest Online Marketing ToolDesigning Websites the Simpler WayDifferent Web Graphics Formats Used for Capturing Online MarketEcommerce Website - the Latest Breakthrough in Online ShoppingOscommerce Software for Spectacular Online Shopping ExperienceHow to Accomplish Website Designing With EaseBasic Introduction of an Ecommerce Website Ask the community a question about this article:
Q&A Powered by: Syndicate this Article Copy to clipboard Make Your Website Valuable for Your Business With Good Web DesignAuthor: spinxwebdesign

Earlier when web designing was a new concept, just by possessing one made any company stand out from the crowd and made them ahead of market competition. But now the trend has changed completely, having a website is not everything but it has to be well-designed and it should depict your company?s potentiality and information required. If your website is not up to the mark and well-maintained it will create negative impression on the visitors.

In case you happen to ignore the basic and important elements of a website, site visitors will also turn away from your website in first few minutes only! Target customers would instantly switch on to another website if the web design features are not proper. Consider designing website that looks good as well as score high on search engine criteria. But if it lacks proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) then the website would prove to be a loss instead of a profit making tool.

There are different criteria based on which you can decide whether the web design you used is profitable or unprofitable for your online business.

1) Home page- See to it that the information you wish to tell your site visitors is clear and also the offering you have to give them. Website should give clean and organized look with appropriate navigation. The home page should not be messy and it should contain all relevant information. All internal links should be clear and precise and tempt the visitors to come back again.

2) Web content- The website content should be completely free from any spelling and grammatical error. Put all relevant content in the form of articles, information, blog, case studies, etc. It should very well portray your services, products and their advantages. Use targeted keywords/phrases in the website content for search engine optimization.

3) Measuring the website performance- The website pages, images and videos (if any) should load in less time. The web design codes have to be clear and clean. If you insert any search option in your website, make sure that it is quick and functional. Your website should be available or compatible with all possible web browsers target customers can use.

4) Navigation links- All navigation links has to be functional and denoted clearly. The anchor texts in the links should be attractive and expressive enough. Navigation menu could be installed which is capable to make your site visitors access the whole website.

These are some points of web design which can increase the credibility of your website on internet if they are taken care properly.

Copyright © 2008

About the Author:

SPINX - website Design CA Company provides services like Los Angeles web design, Website Design Beverly Hills, Web Design Pasadena, Website Design Glendale & also across the globe.

Article Source:

Earlier when web designing was a new concept, just by possessing one made any company stand out from the crowd and made them ahead of market competition. But now the trend has changed completely, having a website is not everything but it has to be well-designed and it should depict your company?s potentiality and information required. If your website is not up to the mark and well-maintained it will create negative impression on the visitors.

In case you happen to ignore the basic and important elements of a website, site visitors will also turn away from your website in first few minutes only! Target customers would instantly switch on to another website if the web design features are not proper. Consider designing website that looks good as well as score high on search engine criteria. But if it lacks proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) then the website would prove to be a loss instead of a profit making tool.

There are different criteria based on which you can decide whether the web design you used is profitable or unprofitable for your online business.

1) Home page- See to it that the information you wish to tell your site visitors is clear and also the offering you have to give them. Website should give clean and organized look with appropriate navigation. The home page should not be messy and it should contain all relevant information. All internal links should be clear and precise and tempt the visitors to come back again.

2) Web content- The website content should be completely free from any spelling and grammatical error. Put all relevant content in the form of articles, information, blog, case studies, etc. It should very well portray your services, products and their advantages. Use targeted keywords/phrases in the website content for search engine optimization.

3) Measuring the website performance- The website pages, images and videos (if any) should load in less time. The web design codes have to be clear and clean. If you insert any search option in your website, make sure that it is quick and functional. Your website should be available or compatible with all possible web browsers target customers can use.

4) Navigation links- All navigation links has to be functional and denoted clearly. The anchor texts in the links should be attractive and expressive enough. Navigation menu could be installed which is capable to make your site visitors access the whole website.

These are some points of web design which can increase the credibility of your website on internet if they are taken care properly.

Copyright © 2008

SPINX - website Design CA Company provides services like Los Angeles web design, Website Design Beverly Hills, Web Design Pasadena, Website Design Glendale & also across the globe.

Rate this Article: 1 2 3 4 5 0 / 5 stars - 0 vote(s) Print Email Re-Publish addthis_pub = 'articlesbase'; addthis_brand = ''; addthis_options = 'twitter, favorites, email, reddit, stumbleupon, delicious, facebook, google, more';
Article Source: Article Tags: Website Design Santa Clara, Web Design Pasadena, Website Design Ca, Los Angeles Web Design Add new Comment Your Name * Your Email: * Comment Body *
Enter Validation Code: * document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); Latest Graphic Design Articles More from spinxwebdesign Joseph Minasie - Whey Everybody Needs a Website?By: Joseph Minasie | 30/11/2008
Why companies need a website and how this website will attract the most customers through innovative marketing, branding, and web solutions, provided by Tech5 Media. Tech5 Media continues to provide web and graphic solutions to the business world.

Create a Brochure That Attracts Attention to Your ProductBy: Dan ODonnell | 28/11/2008
It's simple, if you want buyers to notice your brochure, start by making it look great. We all know that content is king, but people aren't attracted to text initially, they're pulled in with a visually dynamic image first. Good looking images tap into peoples inner guides - the ones that are saying "if it looks good, it is good."

Elements of a NewsletterBy: Graphic Design Guru | 25/11/2008
Tips on designing newsletters.

Web 2.0 Favicon - Photoshop TutorialBy: StormITSolutions | 24/11/2008
How to create a web 2.0 Favicon using Photoshop

Photoshop Cs4By: Edvard | 24/11/2008
Mahjong Directory

Rules of Color in Print DesignBy: Kaye Z. Marks | 21/11/2008
Color can make or break an advertisement, whether in a newspaper ad, postcard, or other form of printed marketing tools. However, too much color tends to overwhelm your message, while too little will not be able to capture enough attention.

Booth Designing, Booth Designers, Booth Construction Company in IndiaBy: Oindia | 21/11/2008
XS Productions offering quality booth designing and construction. Read to know more about booth designing and construction company in India.

Providing Contact Information is Also Extremely Important!By: Ajits Singh | 21/11/2008
There are a few design elements that must be present if you want your website to encourage visitors to stick around and eventually make a purchase. These elements include using appropriate colors and designs, great graphics and pictures, a clean design, easy to read fonts, a contact form and first-rate, informative text.

Resort to Internet Marketing for Online BusinessBy: spinxwebdesign | 02/12/2008 | Internet Marketing
Internet marketing professionals make the internet marketing process look very simple. You can make use of services of internet marketing service providers for better marketing outcome.

How to Increase Visibility Value of Your Website With Flash Website DesignBy: spinxwebdesign | 28/11/2008 | Business
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Graphic Designing for Elevating Your Website Image and ProfitBy: spinxwebdesign | 28/11/2008 | Web Design
Graphic design is a known concept to all, but to produce perfect results it requires great deal of experience and creativity along with market knowledge.

Use Email Marketing for Online Business PromotionBy: spinxwebdesign | 27/11/2008 | SEO
Email marketing is creating waves in the online marketing world. The primary reason being result-oriented, cost and time saving.

Basic Introduction of an Ecommerce WebsiteBy: spinxwebdesign | 26/11/2008 | Web Design
Ecommerce websites are luring the customers from all over the world. These websites saves on time, energy and resources making it a profitable option for many websites.

Burst Off the Website Designing MisconceptionsBy: spinxwebdesign | 25/11/2008 | Web Design
The article discusses some common misconceptions surrounding website designing. A reality check is also discussed in the article.

SEO and Importance of Content in itBy: spinxwebdesign | 24/11/2008 | SEO
Content is the king for SEO and affects the overall ranking of a website. If not sure about how to go about it, hire services from any good website design company.

How to Accomplish Website Designing With EaseBy: spinxwebdesign | 24/11/2008 | Web Design
This article shares views and information regarding primary issues that influences the website designing. Be innovative but avoid going away from basic idea for website creation and your business.

spinxwebdesign has 72 articles online.
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Monday, December 1, 2008

Create a Brochure That Attracts Attention to Your Product

It's simple, if you want buyers to notice your brochure, start by making it look great. We all know that content is king, but people aren't attracted to text initially, they're pulled in with a visually dynamic image first. Good looking images tap into peoples inner guides - the ones that are saying "if it looks good, it is good."

If you're not convinced that image is important, consider why smart, successful marketers spend millions to create their image. Television ads use attractive models to demonstrate products, car dealers freshen the paint of used cars to make them more marketable, and we all wear our "nice" clothes when we want to impress new acquaintances. Why would the advertisers and car dealers go through the added expense if it doesn't work? They wouldn't. And you wouldn't buy the new clothes if  they didn't make you feel and look better.

Often, your brochure is the only thing that a prospective customer has to evaluate your product or service. You want brochure recipients to believe that your product or service is worth the price you ask - that your buisiness is professional and it can be trusted. Good, solid graphic design does the work for you when you can't be in front of the prospects yourself. Good graphic design is your best salesperson.

When you're about to begin the development of your brochure, hire a talented designer. All designers are not created equal. Be selective about your brochure designer - review their portfolio, check their references, talk to them about your thoughts and probe them for their ideas.

A good designer will get a reaction, turn heads and generate interest in your product or service. After the design has captured the audience's attention, then follow up with quality content. When combined, quality design and quality content will make an impact on your business' product or service.

A good designer will get a reaction, turn heads and generate interest in your product or service. Once you've captured their attention, then follow up with quality content.


Joseph Minasie - Whey Everybody Needs a Website?

It's difficult to successfully complete a task if you don't know what you are supposed to be doing.

Web surfers are people and typically not very tolerant of poorly designed web sites. In fact, the evidence indicates that most surfers spend 80% of their time on 20% of the sites they visit. Four out of five web sites get little more than a cursory look before they disappear behind the "back" button.

Each section of your web site design must have an obvious purpose that is easily and quickly understood by the site visitor. No one wants to be confused. While a certain percentage of the web population are incurable problem solvers and will take the time to try to figure out why a section exists, most site visitors will simply click the back button.

As we go through our site design process we look at every section of the site and define it's primary purpose. We use this purpose to guide the development of content for the section.

Understanding the motivation of each site section allows us to concentrate site content on what the section is supposed to accomplish. This enables us to focus each section on defining the preferred action of the visitor.

If your web site design is not creating action it cannot be effective.

Clearly defined purpose and preferred action helps visitors know what to expect and provides a logical and emotional progression to the entire site.

This simplicity makes it easier for site visitors to make the appropriate decisions. It also means less confusion which leads to fewer abandoned visits.
