With the right tools and some helpful hints, the possibilities are endless when it comes to designing the perfect shot VisionBedding product. Anything you can create on the computer screen can be put into a photo of the product, through a special dye process. You'll see 3 easy ways to create 3 unique and very creative options collage. Each can make yourself using as many images, words and colors you want and the result is a beautiful gift and treasure screen and memories.Tools begint Skills needed to begin his masterpiece, there are some simple tools and skills that needed to create its unique design. You will need some kind of photo editing program, this can vary from a complex program like Adobe Photoshop or Corel Photo to a simple program like Gimp (this is a free downloadable program, which is very safe and easy to use). If you do not have a photo editing program and, Gimp is a good tool to use and can be downloaded from www.gimp.org to go. You want to become familiar with the program, especially the cultivation tool, text tool, tool bucket of paint, and the selection tool or hand (used to move text and images on the page). The main advantage of these programs is the function of having separate layers. This means that every image and text box can move around freely without affecting the images and words that are around him, and remains a separate entity as long as their design.A is working on some other things you want to become familiar with the change of image size (pictures), tool selection, and opening and dragging the layers of a canvas to another. These are very basic and simple things you learn and can usually be discovered by practice and familiarize themselves with the program, or reading about the program online. Now that you have the basic idea of what is done, keep in mind that if your product to be clear and of good quality, its design must be clear. This means that you'll want to start with a canvas size: 1. 6 "x6" at 300 DPI (dots per inch is DPI and refers to the resolution) for a launch Pillow2. 4.5 "x7" at 300 DPI for Pillow Sham3. 9 "x12" at 300 DPI for a small photo Blanket (30 "x40" Photo Blanket) 4. 10 "x12" at 300 DPI for a medium (50 "x60" Photo Blanket) and large (60 "x72" Photo Blanket) Type Collage # 1 - Pictures in a show-Through collage BackgroundThe first option we'll is to seek the design of multiple image, through a show of substance. This means that images extends, and a background color shows through which is a bounded or framed. To start, choose the background color of your choice and use of the tool bucket of paint to fill in (you will always be able to change later and if you're not sure you can simply leave blank). The size of your images so they are proportional to the size of the product and drag toward you canvas. Continue moving them around until you are satisfied with the design, this may mean you have to cut images more or less. Once you've decided its route, go ahead and add in any text, as important dates, names, appointments or messages. Do not forget you can change the color of your text and add a drop shadow or outline to give a 3D effect. Once you've completed your collage, save your image as a JPEG (file photo) or in a folder on the desktop where you can find later.TIPS-1. If you need more pictures to fill a space, try using a duplicate of the image culture, but differently.2. Adding shadows to the photographs can make your images take up more space and also give a effect.3 raised in 3D. If you can not decide on a single background color, try using a gradient background or adding a border around the edge of the blanket.4. Sometimes black, white or shades of gray more beneficial to the background color, if your pictures are very colorful. Thus, images and color to highlight more and actually carrying out their vibrant colors. Collage # Type 2 - a solid block of PicturesThe second type of collage design that is very popular is where each image plays another picture. There are no gaps or background color. However, it may be difficult to make this design with a fixed number of images, so you might want to take more pictures only in the case or would be willing to duplicate some photos. The best way to begin this provision is to have an image you want as the main focal point that is larger than others, either directly in the center of the product. When it is advisable to use the networks in its photo editing program. Try to keep the numbers growing even when the images as 3 "x5" or 4 "x6", etc. This will help you get images to the line correctly and given that the images are taken at these dimensions and you will not have to cut anybody out of an image when crops. Once you have all the top product filled with pictures, save the final design as a JPEG file in a file or folder where you can easily locate it.TIPS1. Always measure the space you have to fill before cutting their photographs. This will help to better align everything and makes it much easier.2. Try to group photos together to make squares. The squares are much easier to work with more rectangles. (see chart for example) 3. For this type of design, make sure the automatic selection is activated. This means that when you click on an image automatically go to the layer so you can move around. He was trying to save time searching through its layers to find the right picture, just so you can spend a couple of inches. Type Collage # 3 - Photo Cut-outs in BackgroundThe third kind of collage design is cut images in different forms such as hearts, stars, ovals, etc. It is not as difficult as it may seem. To begin to open their images in its photo editing program. Use the selection tool, either to draw a figure on the image or use a predetermined form, heart, star, or oval, to select the part of the image you want to see on the blanket. Then drag the selected part of the image in your product canvas. You can change the color of support using the bucket of paint or tool gradient at the bottom (or bottom) layer. You can add figures, multiple borders, and anything you can think of to make their product a work of art.TIPS1. Some forms may be difficult to cut, especially the hearts and stars. To save some problems, you may want to crop the image into a circle or oval shape and then put it into a heart or a star shape.2. This type of design offers complete freedom when it comes to creating your fund. Experimenting with different effects (filters) can trigger some really cool designs and also help you become more familiar with its design and editing photos program.3. Watch about resizing the image by dragging and pulling to make it larger, this may give rise to images of poor quality. It is always better to use its "image size" tool for maintaining the quality and simply shrink and expand the pixel size. I have completed my design. . . What comes next? Having completed its product design, be sure to save it as a JPEG (image file) in a safe place - where you can access it easily (or your desktop personal folder). Then you can make your purchase through our safe and secure online purchasing process, if you have not already done so, and once that is complete log into your account VisionBedding. There you will be able to bear the entire design as you design the image 1. After loading can do it any other crop and choose their color backing of 13 different color options. You may get a preview of his final design and complete then click to send your design to be put in your first of its kind photo product.Visit "Make a collage of photos" for more information and to see diagrams or pictures useful.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/graphic-design-articles/designing-creative-photo-collages-how-to-make-a-photo-collage-for-a-visionbedding-photo-product-532835.html